

Each year, we take a moment to look back and recognise a shining star within KOJO. The Blue Sky Award, named in honour of one of KOJO’s founding partners – the late John Chataway, is presented to someone in our business who has championed the KOJO values and shone brightly to make those around them even better.

In 2023/34 we are thrilled to present the Blue Sky Award to our incredible Content Producer/DOP Toby Hoffman. Congratulations Toby, and thank you for making KOJO and those in your orbit better in every way.

Smithy Award Winner - Kathy Seymour

And the Smithy Awards goes too…

Kathy Seymour

The Smithy Award was created in honour of KOJO Founder Kent Smith ACS and is designed for the quiet achievers. The unsung hero who is creating magic on a daily basis without the public recognition they truly deserve. We are so excited to announce that this year’s winner of the Smithy Award is Kathy Seymour!

A true unsung hero at KOJO, Kathy’s work as People and Culture Manager touches on all parts of our business, and she supports each and every member of our team to be the best that they can be. Kathy embodies all of KOJO’s values and she is such a deserving winner of this award.

Congratulations Kathy, and thank you for all that you do for KOJO!

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